When you think you've had a bad day or a bad week, try to remember that our tween girls have a lot to deal with in their worlds. We really need to LISTEN to what they are saying... like these stories... straight from their
allykatzz.com blogs...
i dont feel good... ok yeah well i went to the doctor and they made me wait in there for a hour and a half and then they looked at my ears and it was all red and crummy and so they made me wait another hour for something and then they gave it to me and then it took about another hour in cvs to get my medicine and so i was like all worn down and whiny. and then we got home and amy wouldnt stop gripping at me, and my stepdad is in the worst mood. he is like, IM SO SICK AND TIRED OF PEOPLE NOT DOING WAHT THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO DO! YALL GIRLS ARE SO IRRESPONSIBLE! WHHEN I SAY CLEAN THE POOL AND LIVING ROOM U CLEAN IT! THATS IT UR GROUNDED! And i am like HUHLLLOOO IM SICKKK!!! and so im extremely grumpy and my mom wont listen to me becacuse "she doesnt have time to listen to me grip, because she has billls to pay and why must she carry all this weight on her tiny shoulders" ugggh!!!! im tired of all this! i wish everything was perfect! and then like my real dad wont answer his phone! and so i dont have anyone to vent to and i mean kaci wont listen cuz she is like somewhere and amy is weird and jace is gone and my older brother is in collage! agggggggh!!"
Are tween girls picked on for their smarts? "It's fun to be smart, right? Knowing that you'll always do your best and have friends in your classes and such. But then there's the kids who are 'less smart' or just don't try as hard as they could, and that usually leads to [smart kids] getting picked on and made fun of, because you're 'brainy'. Has this ever happened to you? I know it has to me plenty of times, and it doesn't help that I wear glasses, either. But I enjoy school, and I think they should too, so just ignore them, or 'kill them with kindness' my mom always tells me, and eventually they'll bug off."
My life sucks... "i really need some advice on cheering myself up. cuz i feel like giving up on trying. my friends aren't in my class and at lunch ppl just randomly look at me and whisper to each other. i don't wanna hear ppl say to just ignore it, caz i just can't. almost every night in my bed i just break down and cry. i don't know what to do. and it's not just school it's at home too caz my grandpa alwayz teases me and i just can't take it (plus he critzices me and my dad all the time). nobody likes me and i only have two frndz and i barly ever see them. i reely need advice on living life, caz i wanna quit.help me plz (i've even gone goth inside)."
Boys confuse our tween girls big time. "One day they like you the next they dont... How are you supposed to know??????????????? This guy that i like my best friend likes to and he is so complicated and its like OMG can he make up his mind because one day he likes me the next he likes her...We both call him Mr. complicated!!!"
Mi~own~lil~lalaland. When your tween girl appears to be in LaLaLand, listen closely… she may actually be there!
"at my school, appearance was everything. what you wore, what you looked like, your weight, your bffs and your bfs, thats all that mattered. no one cared about anything else. you were always judged by your appearance, and if you didn't make a good impression, people would look down on you. now i'm the kinda girl that would be looked down upon. i wasn't pretty, i was nerdy, hung out with the smart kids, a band geek, had no guy friends. i was not near popular at school. one day i hear an announce ment that the first school dance was next friday. "ok," i thought. "nothing big." but then i get asked to the dance by a jock. whoa. i was in total and complete shock. i could not believe my ears. of course i accepted! so i met him at the dance, and he had bought a rose for me. i had never had anything like that happen to me before, and i was already in high school! soon enough, a slow song came on and he asked me to dance. i was like, "omg im dreaming this, someone wake me up before i actually think its true. " i never woke up, so i danced all night and partied with my date, and finally when it was time to leave, i got a kiss from him. my first kiss ever. i could not wait to tell my friends about the dance! but then again this all happened in mi~own~lil~lalaland"
Posted by
Denise Restauri