How are tween girls making sense out of the senseless Virginia Tech massacre? Should we talk about it with our girls? What do we tell them?
Here’s a reality check: If you think you’re protecting your tween girl by NOT talking about it, you’re so wrong. Girls are talking and thinking about it and if you don’t talk to them, they’ll go to their favorite information source… their friends. Think about the telephone game that goes like this: Girl #1 says, “Betty and Veronica are best friends.” By the time it gets to Girl #10, the message is, “Betty plays the harmonica and she stinks!” Imagine what happens to information that is mind boggling to start with. Tween girls need to hear it from YOU.
Here’s what tween girls are saying – straight from their blogs:
“wow. to horrible for words. i bet this whole thing could have been prevented too. Colombine could have been. You know why that happened? Bulling. Im sure that some days, we all feel so bad that we just want to pick on other weaker kids at our school, thing leads to another.....which leads to another. Then, before you know it, the whole school is picking on that one kid… seriously girls. if you are being bullied,IGNORE THEM!!! and to all you bullies out there, stop. immediatly. You are to weak to take the conciquenses. Yes. I did just call you weak bully. Bullies are increadibly weak. In fact, in 5th grade i was bullied so much. When i went to middle school, those bullies went from being popular, to having no friends at all. I was more confident too. Maybe the shooter at VT was bullied too… stop the bulling NOW. Do you want your school to be the next massacre of innociount people?” age 13, CA
WARNING: before talking to your tween girl, you must deal with your own angers and fears. This is from a 10-year-old girl from VA. Not the message we want to give our tween girls:
“My mom sent an E-mail to one of the radio dudes and she told him that my sisters and I would not go to college unarmed that we would have a gun with us and that she would rather have us expelled than killed”
Bad information gets worse when it includes bad messages like the one in this blog: dump your boyfriend and he may kill you. (We didn’t post this blog on This is from a 15 year-old tween girl: “A south Korean guy killed 32..yes THIRTY-TWO people...He was a senior at Virgina Tech and can you guess why he killed 32 people? Becuase his GF dumped him for sum1 else!! Yep...crazy isn't it...then he killed himself! He first killed his ex-GF and her friend in the dorms then went across the campas which is half a mile to look for the guy. He culdn't find him so he killed 30 other people.”
Posted by Denise Restauri
1 comment:
Hey Denise!!
Love the blog. I just put a link on our Begin-Now blog.
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