AllyKatzz tween and young teen girls told us (check out my post from 9/29) that they don't use email to talk. BUT over 59% have more than 2 email addresses. Disconnect? Yes. But it's not in the research. The disconnect is in what girls sign up for and what they actually use. They love to sign up for things, but then they forget they have them, forget the passwords or go on to the next new shiny object. In this case, they left email behind for the immediate gratification they get from text messaging and IM... or things that are more engaging like facebook.

"verizon, AIM(like, 2), yahoo, and tons of others i never use or can't remember"
"i have one that i use all the time, one that i check occasionally, and one or two that i share with friends. "
"oh i have two. aim and comcast. lol. i have had more than that but don't anymore."
"i made one for a web site, and that one has an attachment on it so my friends can email me, and i have an old one that i didn't want anymore because, it had a lame name that my mom made up."
Posted by Denise Restauri
1 comment:
i have 2, but one is given by aim and i do not even use it i only use my yahoo acount my mom gave me
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