Do tween girls spread the word about their fave products? You can bet the mortgage on it... and when they find something they love or NOT, they want to tell the world ALL about it. These girls are alpha girls... they are peer influencers and other girls are listening to them.
LOVE IT! - this from an alpha girl from New York:
"i don't kno about u, but i decided to no longer use prducts that are tested on animals. then i learned that almost every toothpaste brand tests on animals! what toothpaste do i use now? my mom told me about Tom's of Maine. they make toothpaste, deodorant, mouthwash, soap, floss, and shaving cream in good smelling scents like lavender and apricot--and none of it's tested on animals! they also make all their packaging recylable and their energy at their factories is offset by wind power! neccesities that help animals and the enviorment? i'm there!"
Or NOT! - this from an alpha girl from Wisconsin:
"You've heard of Ipod...haven't you? Of course you have, why do I even bother to ask? You probably know some of the accessories but for sure don't know all of them. The basic ones are Ipod covers, skins, arm bands, "boom boxes" and much more. But how could someone come up with this? It is a toilet paper dispenser and plays your Ipod...these "Ipod Accessories Inventors" I think have gotten a little obsessive and a little crazy...don't cha think?"
Posted by Denise Restauri
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