This blog from a 12-year-old girl from New York:
"ADD does not mean ADDvantae... i am friends w/ this girl who has ADD. it is horrible that ppl think that just b/c she doesn't catch on as quickly as everyone else, they can be mean to her. they often say "hidden insults" to her, insults that aren't so obvious. she doesn't realize that their insults, but others do. they also never want to hang out w/ her b/c she's "stupid", but whenever they want something from her, they act all sugar sweet and act like their really her friends. she gets hurt a lot in the end when they turn on her. just b/c she has ADD and probably won't recongnize that you're teasing her, doesn't mean you should tease her. when you see someone w/ ADD, don't take advantage of them."
And this from an 11-year-old girl from South Carolina... “i know one of my friendz has it and the teacherz say that she needz extra help since shes ADD. THAT IZ SOOOO NOT TRUE!!!! She iz ttly smart and she iiz capable of what ever she has to do.”
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