The books that the AllyKatzz gave TWO PAWS UP! for this week. Tween girls are kicking off the summer with these books:
LBD books
It is a 3 book series about 3 BFFs living in London and facing normal problems. they are really good. one of the LBD (that what they call themselves), Fleur, has this wacko dad and his antics are funny. Claude is the best charcter b/c she is like every girl u love 2 hate at first, but then u see what a gr8 girly she is. And Ronnie...she's probably like every one of you that are reading this blog. Reviewed by 11-year-old
The tail of emily Windsnap
This book kept me busy 4 days!!!!!! … about a girl {emily} who discovers she is human out of the water and a mermaid when her legs get wet!!! P.S Tail is spelt like that because she has a mermaid!!!!!!! Reviewed by 12-year-old
Don't Judge A Book By Its Cover Or Title!
during summer we had to do a book report for the book TANGERINE BY EDWARD BLOOR! I looked at it and thought! omg this is going to be so boring. SO i started to read it.....then i started to understand the book! It got interesting and more interesting and i couldn't put it down! So just because the title or cover of the book looks unappealing it could stil be a GREAT BOOK! SO READ ON THIS SUMMER!!! Reviewed by 12-year-old
Clique … it's about these rich bratty teens that hate their leader's Dad's, Friend's, Daughter named Claire. Avalabile at Target, Walmart, Barns-n-Noble, your local book store, or you local library. Reviewed by 10-year-old
From the Files of Madison Finn
This is a great series!! It is about a girl named Madison Finn who is a commited blogger and web site surfer (just like us!) and her 4 bff's. They go through adventures and mishaps all along the series! 2 paws up! Reviewed by 14-year-old
Elsewhere is this new book im really love. Its a bit sad but unless u are like really sensitive to books then u wont cry… its about this girl who dies and goes to this place called elsewhere where everyone gets younger until they are young enough to become reborn. Reviewed by 11-year-old
You know how sometimes you read a book, and it's like, wow, that's a one of a kind, it was totally awesome? Well, Maureen Johnson writes those kinds of books. I've read The Key to the Golden Firebird and 13 Little Blue Envelopes, and they rock! Reviewed by 13-year-old
Quick Rates: More AllyKatzz 2 Paws up Winners for this week:
SASS Girl Overboard - soooo good it had jus the right amount of love, friends,and excitement…
What Every Girl (Except Me) Knows - wonderful book that is great for girls that are about to hit their teen years!
This is a must read too! Twilight and New moon by Stephanie Meyer…I just Love EDWARD!
The Warriors – one of my fave book series
Now You See Her and Milkweed…Also, I'm a HUGE fan of the Princess Diaries books and the TTYL books.
Uglies-Pretties-Specials!! The best books!!!
All american girl and ready or not … these are two FAB books for the teenage soul!!!
goose girl byshannon hale! it is totally awesome, and i would read till 12 pm cuz i couldnt put it down!! it is a must read!!
Chew on This. It's all about fast food. If you want a motivation to stop eating so much junk, I recomend this book!
For all publishers and authors... please check out the AllyKatzz Book Club and the AllySTREETKatzz special book review mission. If you want AllyKatzz girls to read/review your books, please send an email to lindsay@allykatzz.com. The girls will be forever grateful!!!
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