Continued from yesterday's Who's Emo? What's EMO?
From a girl who calls herself EMOtions in my glands:
“here is a something about me..like you would care: i have short black choppy hair that covers one eye, black eyes, white pale skin and i am not tall. or short. i am average. like my pathetic life. my parents do not support me. ever since i turned away from pink dresses and frilly bows..they have hated me so. now in my boring life i mourn me. i dress in black and sit around and cry and be EMOtional. My parents decided to neglect me. they work every day for 12 hours. they go away often to peru, germany, and syberia to train horses and host horse shows. they make alot of money from it too, but have decided since i have rebeled against them, they can not give it to me… my glands feel the emotions. i dont slit my wrists, because if i did they would notice. i have not a white tip on any of my nails..i have no friends. i dont see a need to trust anyone in this dark world. now i must go. my microwavable dinner calls to me…”
Sometimes what sounds like EMO, may not be EMO:
“I just want to be like the other girls. Pretty and normal but I know that’s not going to happen. I just want to be noticed. I just want to be liked. But as I just begin to think maybe if I try my hardest. My mom walks in the door telling its time to go to school. Aw school the place of where all evil drama unfolds. School the place where one day you can be super cool and the next your shoved into a garbage can. School is a place for humiliation and for the jocks to date the cheerleaders. School is the place for the popular girls to awww about the schools hottest football player. The place I don’t belong. And as I pull up to school I prepare my self for my day that lies ahead. I prepare my self for whatever may comes my way. Though I don’t really fit into a clique I believe I’m in all cliques except I’m not with the loners and geeks. I just want to fit in one day. As I head to my locker I drop my books. But as I rush to my locker and open my door what else could go wrong but my photos all falling off? I pick them up and shove them into a corner. I get my gym bag and put away my jacket and lunch. Then I rush to homeroom noticing that I’m 15 minutes late.But that’s just a regular day for me thinking and day dreaming. Shoving school work aside. I soon relies the bell for the end of the day has already rang and I have to rush to pick up my baby brother. Since my life is filled with drama its ok if I walk alone sometimes you have to. I still think I don’t fit in at school or at home or in the world. I think that the world I want to be in is filled with whatever I want. But that can’t happen now can it ? I want the world to work my way but it wont because that isn’t possible is it. I just wonder if I’m ever over day dreaming? Am I over dreaming ? Am I too into my world and not enough into this world ? I don’t know I just don’t. I don’t seem to understand anything , not even myself. This is just how I feel dont think Im emo cuz Im not !and IM not a loner dont worry .. Im just going through a hard time right now”… by XoTeenyBopper
Many of these girls do not want to be EMO. They want to be popular. But they are the outcasts, the unpopulars and the loners. EMO is where they landed - not by choice, but where their own insecurities and mean girls sent them. The first step in helping our girls is to talk to them and let them know that they can count on us to help them or a friend.
One thing we know about most girls – EMO or not – they do not tell adults everything because they are embarrassed or scared. Therefore, we always want to give them ways to help themselves and their friends. We post the following hotline information on the site. Please share it with your girls:
If you or a friend needs help that is way too big for other girls to answer or if you need help NOW, these hotlines are here for you 24/7. The calls are free and they won't tell anyone you called.
Suicide and crisis: 1-800-273-TALK
Cutting: 1-800-dontcut
Everything: Children of the Night: 1-800-551-1300
Posted by Denise Restauri
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