Tween Girls are talking about EMO. What’s EMO? Is it music? Is Britney Spears EMO? Is it a style? Attitude? What is EMO?
Here’s a 12-year-old girl’s definition…
“have you ever heard of emo people? well my sister is emo and they are really wierd. emo is short for EMOtional! they get really sad and dress kinda wierd, well that is all i can say.”
A 13-year-old tween girl says…
“i have 3 emo friends and i think they are the coolest people. people steriotype emos as cutting freaks. but most of them dont even cut. all my emo friends dont cut, they are christian emo. [emo] roks and you have the best clothes style anyways. i dont like preps.”
And this from another 13-year-old girl…
“cutting: when girls cut their arms legs or any other part of ur body to relieve EMOtional pain. and its real, VERY real. and i should know, i used to do it and it was horrible. i always cut when i was sad.”
So, What is EMO?
Originally EMO was a form of punk rock that was loud and EMOtional. EMO still means EMOtional, but it has gone way beyond music and has become a lifestyle and a culture of young people who wear their tortured hearts on their sleeves.
Who’s EMO? EMO is not based on age, race, religion, gender, sex or income. Bottomline: Some tween Girls are EMO. Many of these girls are scared, depressed and hurting, and their pain can be hurtful to people around them:
“I am realllyyy... depressed right now. I finaly found a really good friend whos house I can even walk to! So last night I was at her house. And I an white and she is african american. and this boy was giving us (mostly her) trouble about it. And she ran up in her room and i went up there to try and cheer her up and found her in her room cutting herself. It was the worst thing I have ever whittnessed in my life. so, I was like bawling crying and i found out that she lives with her foster-mom because her dad abuses her. If you dont know what cutting is, it is where some1 hurt thereself physically because emotionaly they are hurt. in her case, she broke a cd case and was scraping herself with the sharp parts. I feel so sorry for her. I have tried to be very nice to my parents lately. so, every1 should try to think about how even though are parents can be strict it could be worse. I dont know what to do about her cutting problem i have nervous/anzity problems and today i have been really panic. my friend wont call 1-800-dont-cut so i just dont know what i can do if anything.” by fashionguru7703
“my friend cuts her self! i asked her if her mom knows and se said her mom thinks its from kittens!i want her to get help but i am scared... any advice?” by kaneolani
Here’s three days in the life of EMOskater, a 13-year-old tween girl from Florida. Does she want to be EMO?
Day 1: EMO
“Hi. I have no friends and i am okay with that. I am what they call a skater-emo type person. ohwell,life goes on. Am i right?”
“people think emo people are werid and they want to do bad things 2 themselves. I like the way my life is. I could wish 4 anything better. Just b\c I don't fit in with the normal peeps or the popular peeps doesn't mean I'm weird. Does any one agree with me?”
Day 2: Mean girls
“2day @ skool these girl told me something that super mean. I almost cried. I was thankin the great God that it wuz only a half a day.i wrote a poem. rate it on a scale of 1 to 10. I don't care if u say1 b/c i can take bad critisism very well.
‘mean girls are mean, the teachers never can tell.
mean girls are mean, and they make your heart swell.
Mean girls don't care if you are emo, nerdy, or normal.
Every thing they say causes termoil(Chaos).
Mean girls are mean b/c they are jelious.
And that my friends is simpy how it is going to be!’”
Day 3: HELP ME!!!
“Alright I'm going to try and be preppy for at least a day. To trick these popular girls at school. One of my friends has a preppy older sis that is the same size as me. She has something called aeropstale, uh abercrmby, um hoillster, and american eagle. I hope I spelled that right. How does this soung or look... Ready, okay (valley girl accent)?? I'm a cheerleading! Go team! RAH,RAH, BOO,HISS.!! i DON'T GET IT! SOMEONE HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
To Be Continued Tomorrow...
Posted by Denise Restauri
Hi. I know what EMO is but i want to know how you know if you are EMO or not. I think I might be EMO... but I am not sure... i don't dress like EMO. I dress with baggy shirts, either shorts, capris, or long baggy pants, and skater shoes. I just want to know if I am EMO. SOMEONE TELL ME THE ANSWER!!!
It's not important to be an EMO but what you really are...
i am 17 and I have three friends in the whole world 2 dont know anything about what i do to myself and the other girl does. apparenylt i hide it well. to the girl who asks "am i emo" no noone in my mind is EMO its to steryotyped to tell who is and who isn't you are you. people say because i cut and listen to emo music that makes me emo but it doesn't i cant elp what i like. it makes me, me.
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