Pressures girls put on themselves to be super girls.
Where do they get it from? From their teachers? From their parents? Safe bet: they aren’t born thinking, “I must get into Harvard!” They get mixed messages from the adults in their lives every day. About their weight, their looks, their accomplishments. So the next time you tell the tween girl in your life to “Just do your best!... mean it and STOP there. Hopefully this AllyKatzz blog from a 13-year-old girl from Alabama, will make us all think twice before we add, “Because you aren’t going to get into Harvard with YOUR grades.”
"I'm a Failure. I feel lyk a failure right now. Okay see at my school at the end of each year we have an award ceramony. Well today was the last day and all year I work on my grades cuz I wanted to make straight A's.I QUIT BASKETBALL FOR IT!!!!!!! Well 2day the principal was giving out the A-honor roll awards. I DIDN'T GET IT!!! I got on the A-B honor roll award. Now I feel lyk a failure. Y? Cuz I did my best!! I DID MY HARDEST!! And my hardest. My best isn't good enough!!! How in the world am I supposed to get in to SOSU and Alabama Crimson Tide. If I'm on the A-B Honor Roll?? They look back all the way to the 7th grade. THATS THE GRADE I'M IN!!! So now I know what a failure feels lyk. I'm sooo sad. Any advice??? bye. and no I'm not saying PEACE OUT! Cuz I'm not at peace right now. so goodbye."
Responses from AllyKatzz girls:
“Thats REALLY GOOD!!!!!!!!!! You shouldn't flip like that!!! Its still honors! I got a F in math a few quarters ago because of the teacher. Its a long story but I promised myself it wouldn't happen again. Now I get strait "A'S"!!!! I have a 100 in math class now! So don't juge yourself so harshly from one grade. ~~~ They look back to 7th grade??? OMG! R U sirious? I wanna get into YALE!!! Shoot... ANyway. Think about it. ” By a 12-year-old girl from Connecticut.
“You are so not a failure! Some kids do terrible! Getting c's, d's and f's! This one kid at my school flunked 7th grade, you are not a failure!” By a 12-year-old girl from Nevada.
“trust me you are not a failure. Think of how much worse it could be you could be one of the people that tries their hardsest and still only comes up with a C. I'm an A-B student too and all my friends are A's so I feel really low on the totem poll when we all get our math tests back but trust me it will get better I can guarantee it. Also if you want to get into a good college I suggest doing lots of extracurricular stuff or find a sport that you really excel at.” By a 14-year-old girl from New Hampshire.
“Hey, that's not being a failure. A failure is straight F's! An A-B honnor is good, really good. At least you're not trying out for Hartford!” By an 11-year-old girl from Wisconsin.
Posted by Denise Restauri
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