Tween girls today are smarter, savvier and more opinionated than we were at their age. They aren’t playing with toys… they’re into music, fashion, their individuality AND BOYS. Puppy love? No way… in their minds, puppy love is for kids, not tweens. Tween love is REAL. Here's what they're saying on their AllyKatzz blogs:
I need HELP!!!
by I love Potato, age 13
“Ok I'm dating this guy named Devin AKA Potato!! He is really nice && cute, sweet..all that stuff!! But he is already saying he loves me && that he wants to marry me && he is being serious well I'm 13 && he is 14 its a little early to thank about that && I do love him but not marry me love..lol!! But I'm afraid to tell him to slow it down a bit becuz I'm afraid he will get mad!! But then agian he isn't that kind of guy that will get mad over that! So what should I do && if I don't go with ur idea don't get mad but I will appreciate it and alot of ppl go through this so I know you can help!!
Tween Girls Ages 9-15 Responded:
from tommyboy, age 9
“i dont really no about this stuff but,if i were u i would say,"i think we should slowwwwwww down a little."and if he gets all mad maybe hes just not the guy 4 u. well, thats all i got because im only 9 yrs old. i hope uget it the way u want it.... want 2 b bb? ” (bb = blog buddy aka friends.)
from Eskimoluvr, age 10
“O gosh that guy is pushing it just tell him "ya i am not reADY" AND THEN QUICKLY CHANGE THE CONVERSATION”
from countryprincess, age 11
“ok if ur only 13 take it slow. and if u love him tell him u do but say ur way to young to think about that and you would like to at least finish high school heck even JUNIOR HIGH would be better i mean ur in like 7th grade?? u like just got out of middle school!!!!!!! hope it works!!”
from penguingurl411, age 12
“when he says that again just tell him you want to slow down or say i love you to but not marriage type of love. if he truly loves you than he'll understand. if he doesnt get it then maybe its best that your just friends.”
from Glamrgrrl6, age 13, Minnesota
“wow. I'd tell him to slow down. Ur not ready for that. If he keeps saying those things tell him that he's lucky that he is in a relationship with you and that he shouldn't be saying things like that, because, eventually, he'll scare u away.”
from BLONDE_08, age 14
“there is a girl at school like that with her boyfriend! Your not really going to be togather forever.....and it the relationship will end sometime....and alls your bf is doing is making that time come quicker! Trust me......just let him do it! Your only 13 ”
from Llama_MILK_wizard, age 15
“whoa! Gee, that's a toughie. I've dated guys like that. For a while I just kinda went with it. Like when he said, "I love you" I would just say "yea." Finally he moved so I guess I just didn't have to deal with it. I'm not sure though. I guess you'll just have to wait till he moves! lol! But seriously, maybe you should just say yea like I did and if he askes you why you say that you can say, "Isn't it a bit tttooooo early to think about marriage?!?!"
Posted by Denise Restauri
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