BOYFRIENDS AKA BFs (not to be confused with BFF = Best Friend Forever - that can be a girl or a boy, but not a boyfriend!) make our tween girls crazy! On AllyKatzz.com, we started a club that the Girls LOVE... it's the BF club. Sounds so simple ... and it is... it's a place for tween girls to talk about what they love and hate about boys. The girls are trying to figure out what's going on in those fuzzy boy brains. And it starts young... Today's Top Blog is from an 11-year-old-girl...
"There are 2 boys that I like and I'm scared to ask either of them out. One kid I sit next to in science and ILA and Math and we have a connection but I'm not sure if he wants to have a friend connection or more than that.. The other guy is only in my homeroom and Spanish class but he is the same (friend/connection wise). My friend says me and him look cute next to eachother ( Which makes me Smile Secretly ) LOL! I need to know if either of them like me but im shy and I dont know how to find out..i think they'll reject me :-'("
Girls sent her backatchas aka comments... here's their advice:
from illfeily, age 12
“first off, don't say that you think they'll reject you. have some confidence in youself! And if they do, it just shows that they're not good enough for you if they don't like your awesome personality! Don't take it too hard if they don't want to go out with you. Maybe they're just not ready for that yet, and want to see how things go. Second, try to hang out with each of them and find out what qualities they have. Whichever one you feel you have more of a connection to, then you should go for it with him.”
from chellybelly, age 15
“That's what I'm Scared and pretty much every girl is scared about... Beign Rejected and Gettin Hurt... I'm always scared of getting hurt. But If You don't take risks... You mite as well just stay home. Live Your Life With No Regrets. Life goes on. And Pain goes Away. But Havin Memories is the best. If Your not gonna risk it all you Mite as well just give it up... But That's What I think... And mayb i should take my own advice kus I'm scared... But I'm rele weak. And You shouldn't be scared of gettin hurt. Kus life goes on and eventually u'll get over it... Good Luck tryin to get My advice... I'll try to take it too...”
Posted by Denise Restauri
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